Sea ice thickness distribution along the flight line over Liudongwan Gulf and statistical curve relating brightness temperature to ice thickness are given. 文中给出在辽东湾测得航线上的冰厚度分布和亮度温度与冰厚度的统计曲线。
The results show that vegetation index could reflect a part of moisture information, and there is some relationship between brightness temperature and soil moisture. 结果表明,农田土壤湿度与植被指数和亮温间均存在一定相关关系;
Simulating row crop directional brightness temperature based on POV-ray 基于POV-ray的行播作物方向亮温仿真研究
Relationship Between Land Brightness Temperature and Vegetation Abundance in Wuhan City 武汉市地表亮温与植被覆盖关系定量分析
A Brightness Temperature database was setup by assigning a variety of parameters to the verified model, to simulate Brightness Temperature of natural corn field with different height. 模型模拟的亮度温度跟车载微波辐射仪的野外实测数据接近。
The high brightness temperature of the pulsar radio emission implies that the underlying emission mechanism must be coherent. 极高的亮温度意味着起作用的发射机制一定是相干的。
MODIS brightness temperature data assimilation under cloudy conditions ⅰ& methods and ideal tests 有云环境下MODIS亮温资料的变分同化Ⅰ&方案设计与理想试验
The key issue in external calibration of microwave radiometer on board satellite is the determination of brightness temperature on the pupil of antenna by using radiative transfer equation. 星载微波辐射计外定标的关键问题是通过辐射传输方程计算天线入瞳处亮温。
The Goodness of Fit Modeling on Millimeter Wave Radiation Brightness Temperature Signal of Background 背景毫米波辐射亮温的信号拟合优度建模方法
Research on Extreme Weather and Climate Events using MSU and AMSU Brightness Temperature Data MSU及AMSU亮温资料在极端天气气候应用中的研究
It is not always suitable to use Planck's law or Stefan-Boltzmann's law to describe the relation between brightness temperature and radiance for a wide band sensor. 对于宽波段传感器,不一定能直接由普朗克定律或者斯蒂芬玻尔兹曼定律建立温度与辐射亮度的关系。
Therefore, vegetation index and brightness temperature can be used to monitor drought regime. 用植被指数和亮温可以估计土壤湿度情况,并对干旱进行监测。
Sensitivity Analysis on Snow Parameters Impacting Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature of Snow& An Study Based on MEMLS 积雪微波辐射亮温对积雪参数的敏感性分析&以多层积雪微波辐射模型为例
Satellite thermal infrared brightness temperature anomalies and the distribution of deep-water oceanic gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico 卫星热红外亮温异常与深水海域天然气水合物藏区分布&以墨西哥湾地区为例
According to the characteristics of AMSR-E, a simulation study is conducted on the derivation of the integrated water vapor in non-raining cloud areas over the oceans by the physical-statistical method, and a preliminary validation is implemented with the measured brightness temperature. 针对AMSR-E的特点,采用物理统计方法,对洋面非降水云区水汽总量(V)的反演进行了模拟研究,并用实测亮温数据对反演算式进行了初步验证。
The feasibility of applying of brightness temperature approach method and continuous measurement method in practical application are verified. 初步验证了亮温逼近法及连续测量法在工程实际中应用的可行性。
The theoretic model of brightness temperature in the sunshine is given; 并给出了晴朗天空亮度温度的理论模型;
The results show that the brightness temperature in the inner South-East Antarctic Continent changes slightly. 结果表明在东南极内陆的地面亮温年内月均变化不大;
The brightness temperature Tb is proportional to the electron temperature Tb and optical depth of the medium. 辐射亮温Tb与等离子体电子温度Te介质光深成正比。
There are three mathematical models of multi-spectral thermometry based on calibration factor, brightness temperature and reference temperature respectively. 多光谱辐射测温法的数学模型有基于检定常数的数学模型、基于亮度温度的数学模型和基于参考温度的数学模型。
Presented in this paper is a formula of calculating brightness temperature in short. 本文提出了利用3.7μm~4.0μm大气窗区内两个通道的同时测值和多项式拟合法计算短波红外大气窗区亮度温度的一种公式。计算误差小于±0.4K。
Then studies the inversion algorithm of retrieving the brightness temperature. 接着讨论了表征目标辐射特性的视在温度的反演算法。
The brightness temperature of a target can be obtained by eliminating scattered radiometric temperature. 从视在温度中剔除散射辐射温度得到目标的亮度温度。
Then it is corrected that the brightness temperature with the radiation coefficient ελ of gray body. 并根据灰体辐射系数ελ和测定的辐射温度修正灰体的测量温度,获得实际温度。
With prism technology limiting working wavelengths, using high-precision data acquisition and flexible data processing system, the instrument can provide four working wavelengths and be used to transfer and measure brightness temperature between 700K and 3000K. 采用棱镜分光技术限定工作波长,使用高精度的数据采集和灵活的数据处理系统,提供四个工作波长;完成700K-3000K的亮温传递和测量。
Obviously, the impervious surface, brightness temperature and runoff coefficient all have increased along with the urban expansion. 研究还发现,随着厦门市城市空间的扩展,区域内部不透水面、地面亮温以及表征地表径流产流能力的径流系数均有明显的增加,三者之间呈明显的线性关系。
It quantitatively describes the relationship between brightness temperature and elevation. 亮温梯度定量描述了亮温与高程之间的关系。
This result shows that satellite infrared brightness temperature sometimes differs from ground temperature. Atmosphere has a great influence on satellite infrared brightness temperature and the atmospheric impacts cannot be ignored in analysis of satellite thermal infrared anomalies before earthquakes. 这一结果说明,卫星红外亮温与地面温度是有差异的,大气对卫星红外亮温的影响是很大的,进行卫星热红外地震异常分析时不能忽略大气因素的影响。
A model of the brightness temperature of radiation contamination is proposed. 提出了污秽的辐射亮温模型。
For the radiative brightness temperature, a hybrid method combining the microwave radiative transfer theory and the Method of Moments ( MoM) is proposed and validated. 对于辐射亮温,提出了微波辐射传输理论与矩量法相结合的混合方法,用于研究粗糙月表的辐射亮温,并对方法的有效性进行了验证。